Sunday, January 3, 2016

Diet in a definition

What do you think when we hear the word diet? Commonly it is identical with no eating / eating less to cut down weight. In another word starving to loose weight.

By definition:
  1. the customary amount and kind of food and drink taken by a person from day to day (
  2. the ​food and ​drink usually ​eaten or ​drunk by a ​person or ​group  (
Perception of a diet is no where close to the dictionary definition. 

I like to define diet as behavior in our daily food and liquid consumption. In another word how we eat and drink reflects our health level in the long run.

Please do share your thoughts..... 


  1. My definition of diet is behavior of carefully managing what she eats or drinks, either for health/ fitness purpose or for functional reason (to look physically better, to look younger, to feel lighter). This behavior is not necessarily for a long run, but also for a short period of time.

  2. From diet benefit perspective, you are correct.
